Category: Project Management

Statement Of Work | Project Management Blog | Manengit

Ways To Make Effective Statement Of Work

The nature of the project directly affects the planning and execution of work. The project specific activities, deliverables and timelines should be properly documented and must be communicated to the client. This document which...

Agile Project Management | Project Management Blog | Manengit

Agile : The Best Way to Increase Business Value

Companies always focus on the total increase of productivity and removing impediments in the project management. Lots of project management practices have been formulated in order find alternatives and provide established processes. These would...

Agile Project Management | Project Management | Manengit

What is Agile Project Management ?

Agile Management is a method of project management that is non-hierarchical, iterative, and incremental way of managing design, and building engineering activities, information technology and other businesses. This is also highly flexible and interactive....

Extreme Project Management | Project Management | Manengit

What Is Extreme Project Management ?

Project Management is a methodology being utilized to be able to achieve the goals and vision of an organization. It is the application of dynamic processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to meet specific...